



By K8

Watching this I wanted to crawl out of my skin
Her hair looks so much prettier longer
They’re butchering one of the best horror figures of all time
And now she’s into girls
Cursed by badly written characters
Jesus christ, let them go

Never going is a terrible way to go
Just like car accident or rock skin
Or a movie with no redeemable characters
I wish it could be a bit longer
Like forever could return us back to girls
But forever is a long time

And speaking of time
I have got to go
Today I am too busy to think about girls
And too old to address my folding skin
Marking it down does not make the life any longer
But it does give it more characters

What they want is embedded in these characters
Because they chose to write them this way 
Listening to flightless bird american mouth a bit longer
Than anyone should and taking our peaceful dance to go
Which gives more time to map out the calendar of our faceless skin
More time to consider girls

And since in this lifetime we are just girls
Two dimensional manic pixie like characters
I will moisturize my skin
Like a prayer and ask for more time
Before I have to go
Begging my hair to stop getting longer

Because I can’t take this any longer
Said all of the pretty girls
We’ve got no place to go
Where we understand the characters
So this time
On the plate it’s their skin

For a little while longer these are our characters
Free boys turned short-haired girls by forever cursed time
With no place to go but each other's skin